A screenshot of Compass A screenshot of Compass A screenshot of Compass A screenshot of Compass


Software Engineer II

Jun 2021 - Nov 2022

Link: compass.com


Compass is an interesting organization. They are the largest real estate broker in the United States by revenue, but also have a sizable software engineering org that develops their own custom platform for customers and agents.

At Compass, I was part of the Listings team. This team worked on the page that displays all relevant information for a listing on the Compass real estate platform. We also worked on a special version of this page for agents to see internally.

During my time there, we were laser focused on being the fastest real estate site in the industry. Toward this end, I pitched using technologies like Next.js, researched and implemented several Webpack configuration tweaks, and integrated hot module reloading for our developers. These changes led to 10x smaller bundles and much faster development build times, helping our engineers to deliver even faster!

With all of these changes and initiatives, I crafted architecture and strategy documentation the whole way. This helped us stay organized and document the reasoning behind decisions we were making for the future.


  • Reduced development build times by over 1000% by shrinking Webpack bundles and adding hot module reloading
  • Wrote architecture and strategy documentation for Compass’s internal agent-facing tools
  • Implemented rich media features for our property listing pages using React.js, Node.js and writing REST / GRPC APIs
  • Maintained compliance requirements in a legacy frontend codebase